Weekly Favorite Links (April 2-8, 2015)

(Photo Via)

My week started out a bit rough and when that happens, I like to turn to music to calm my soul. Although I enjoy catchy, upbeat tunes on the radio, I prefer listening to hymns or worship songs to help me get through whatever that’s troubling me. My current go-to pick-me-up songs are Man of Sorrows, Before the Throne, and Cornerstone.

I love the solid lyrics that offer me comfort, hope, and strength. Singing aloud, and often belting it out when I think no one’s around, helps me repeat truth to myself when my mind’s filled with negative thoughts and feelings. Sometimes these songs serve as my heart’s cry out to God. There are times when I don’t know how to articulate everything that I’m going through, so when I’m overcome with discouragement, I sing. I sing because it enables me to focus and direct whatever thoughts and emotions that I’m feeling to God’s character — his sacrificial love, perfect wisdom, unfathomable faithfulness, and overflowing grace.

When I sing over and over again of who God is and what he’s done for me, the overpowering feeling of despair I may have felt before diminishes. The circumstances that troubles me fade in comparison to knowing that I’m forgiven and loved by the One who holds the past, present, and future in his hands. And it’s an awesome and mind-blowing truth to digest. There is power and healing in music, and I’m thankful that it’s through song that my spirit can be lifted up from the darkest valleys.

Below is a cover of Hillsong’s Man of Sorrows, which is part of a fun collaboration that I did with my friend Aaron aka musicgoon. (So yes, now you can put a voice to my face. Heh.) I hope that it will bless you as the song has blessed me.


Choosing Joy – Here’s an update on the Tippetts family. I’m encouraged to read that the children are choosing to have joy in God in the midst of all that they’re going through.

Countering Culture – David Platt addresses questions from his most recent book, Counter Culture, in this sermon podcast. A call for action on pressing issues to the church.

Do You Think It Happened, Or Not? – The ultimate question that has serious eternal implications for all of us.

Help Me Face Today – Perfectly apt. God used this to encourage me during a rough patch this past week.

I Wasn’t Ready For Marriage – This one got to me. It was super relatable, and I know I struggle with fearing some of the things mentioned. I love this quote from C.S. Lewis, “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness.” ‘Cause it’s so true.

My TGC Love Story – I remember reading Betsy’s article, “Should I Be Content With My Singleness?“, last year. Awesome to read a new update and how faithful God is. He’s in control!

The Dead End of Sexual Sin – I loved this personal narrative from Rosaria Champagne Butterfield about her past before Jesus saved her, and her battle to put off her old self after her conversion.

When Your Life Feels Like A Waiting Room – “Serving Christ “where we are” isn’t a consolation prize; it is the secret of contentment in waiting. It is the key that unlocks the cell of unhappiness, our flashlight in the fog of confusing circumstances. When we do good, right here, right now, while we are waiting, we will wake up one day to discover that we aren’t so much waiting anymore as living.”


15 Healthy Banana Bread – I love banana bread! So many choices and potential new experiments!

Crispy Oven Fried Panko Chicken Thighs – Panko is delicious. Even more delicious when served as the crispy layer over meat.

Healthy Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cheesecake Bars – I like that this snack is made with healthier ingredients!

How To Make Cruffins With A Pasta Machine – Looks so flaky and buttery! Saving this for when I buy a pasta machine.

Raspberry Rhubarb Tart – So purty. I’m not the biggest fan of rhubarb, but I’m a sucker for raspberries.

Sweet and Sour Ham Ball Stir-Fry – My mouth is watering.

Thai Chicken Street Noodles – Can’t get enough of noodles lately. My stomach’s been craving them a lot for meals.


10 Guidelines To What Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Is Saying – I thought this was an interesting read and from past experiences, I’d say some things are definitely true.

Accumulated – This short by Wong Fu Productions was pretty spot-on in some ways. My favorite line: “What makes it love, what makes it the one is choice. Constantly choosing to love. So what are you going to choose?

8 thoughts on “Weekly Favorite Links (April 2-8, 2015)

  1. Music is such a profound thing that speaks deeper to our hearts than words ever could. I love your cover [and the other songs that you listed]. =)

    The article on marriage was wonderful! I’ve definitely encountered pretty much all of the points she wrote about. Marriage is probably the hardest experiences, the way it forces me to change and sacrifice and truly love. But it’s also one of the most rewarding, and I love it! Haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you honey! I love all the songs too. Never gets old!

      Yes, that article on marriage is indeed wonderful! Thanks for modeling how a godly married woman should look like in my own life. Will need you as a mentor when I enter that stage (God-willing, of course)!


  2. Thanks for sharing the article When Your Life Feels Like A Waiting Room. Life in Christ happens everyday. “Like workday tasks, our do-good list is full of menial, manual labor. But we carry it out in the joyful company of other Christians, for the sake of Jesus Christ. What makes good works glamorous is the God we do them for.” This is Christian living.


    1. Thanks, man! Glad we can play and use our gifts to serve God together! It’s always a blast!

      Glad you were blessed by that article! YES, Life in Christ does happen every single day. I think at my current life stage, I need to remind myself to not wait for the next big thing on my wishing list, but to live more for God.


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